About Pierre

A native of Paris, France, Pierre de Chabannes is a photojournalist, explorer, educator, lecturer. He is also the founder and driving force behind ACEE, a project that aims at collecting photos and data about animals from around the world and helping to educate people about the need to protect nature.

Fascinated with animals and the world of zoos and aquariums since he was a child, Pierre has devoted much of his life to photographing and documenting species around the world, both under human care and in nature. ACEE’s database seeks to preserve, in photographs and educational documents at least, the world’s biodiversity at this moment in time in the hope that our children will still be able to enjoy their presence in their natural habitat as we did.

A freelance photoreporter since 2007, Pierre has authored print and web articles in both English and French for such publications as Avicultural Magazine (The Avicultural Society), Watchbird (American Federation of Aviculture) and International Zoo News. Pierre is also a field expedition producer as well as scientific advisor in zoology and conservation, performing for biodiversity assessments in Southeast Asia and working for National Geographic Photo Ark since 2015.

Pierre also gives lectures and conducts workshops on taxonomy, animal identification and conservation. He has spoken at major events such as the 2017 SEAZA Conference in Manila (Philippines), in Universities, Schools and Zookeeper formations in Europe and Asia.

He currently resides in southeast France, with his wife, his venomous snakes and his extensive reference book collection.
