Puffers and relatives

Family Tetraodontidae

Arothron caeruleopunctatus – Blue-spotted puffer
Arothron hispidus – White-spotted puffer
Arothron immaculatus – Immaculate puffer
Arothron manilensis – Narrow-lined puffer
Arothron mappa – Map puffer
Arothron meleagris – Guineafowl puffer
Arothron multilineatus – Many-lined pufferfish
Arothron nigropunctatus – Blackspotted puffer
Arothron reticulatus – Reticulated pufferfish
Arothron stellatus – Stellate puffer
Canthigaster amboinensis – Spider-eye puffer
Canthigaster bennetti – Bennett’s sharpnose puffer
Canthigaster compressa – Compressed toby
Canthigaster janthinoptera – Honeycomb toby
Canthigaster papua – Papuan toby
Canthigaster petersii – Peter’s toby
Canthigaster valentini – Valentin’s sharpnose puffer
Carinotetraodon salivator – Striped red-eye puffer
Chelonodon pleurospilus – Blaasop beauty
Dichotomyctere ocellatus – Eyespot pufferfish
Sphoeroides parvus
– Least puffer
Takifugu vermicularis – Purple puffer


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