Shrimps and relatives

Family Alpheidae
This family regroups all Pistol shrimp species.

Family Hymenoceridae
This family regroups the Harlequin shrimp species and related species.

Family Hippolytidae
This family regroups all Cleaner shrimp species.

Lysmata debelius – Scarlet cleaner shrimp

Family Palaemonidae
This family regroups all Edible and Common shrimp species.

Macrobrachium rosenbergii – Giant river prawn

Family Pandalidae
This family regroups the Spot-prawns and other related species.

Pandalus platyceros – California spot prawn

Family Penaeidae
This family regroups the Banana shrimps and other related species.

Family Rhynchocinetidae
This family regroups the Hingebeak shrimps and other related species.

Rhynchocinetes durbaniensis – Durban hingebeak shrimp

Family Stenopodidae
This family regroups the Coral shrimps and their relatives.

Stenopus hispidus – Banded coral shrimp
